Saturday, June 11, 2016

שלחן ערוך ShULChaN ARUCh, Set Table, (Laid Table)

שלחן ערוך  ShULChaN ARUCh
Set Table, (Laid Table), 2005
ORaCh ChaYIM (Manner of Life) YOReH DEAH (If Teaches Knowlegde) - EVeN HaEZeR (Stone of Help) - CHOSheN MiShPaT (Breastplate of Judgement) - MaPaH / TOSaFOT (Tablecloth/ Extra) 
Collection: Bouwfonds Art Foundation, Hoevelaken, The Netherlands

שלחן ערוך  ShULChaN ARUCh, Set Table, (Laid Table), 5x Parts, 2005
 שלחן ערוך  ShULChaN ARUCh, Set Table, (Laid Table), 5x Parts, 2005
 שלחן ערוך  ShULChaN ARUCh, Set Table, (Laid Table), 5x Parts, 2005
ORaCh ChaYIM (Manner of Life)
Wood, 2 saw-horses, copper,  2 x cast iron shoe lasts, 108 x 60 x100 cm
 שלחן ערוך  ShULChaN ARUCh, Set Table, (Laid Table), 5x Parts, 2005
YOReH DEAH (If Teaches Knowledge), 
Copper, glass, wood, 2 saw-horses, iron rings, 5x marble eggs, 108 x 60 x 100 cm
 שלחן ערוך  ShULChaN ARUCh Set Table, (Laid Table), 5x Parts, 2005
EVeN HaEZeR (Stone of Help),  
Glass, wood, 2 saw-horses, copper, 2 x horseshoe, 2 x stones from Jerusalem, 108 x 60 x 100 cm
 שלחן ערוך  ShULChaN ARUCh, Set Table, (Laid Table), 5x Parts, 2005
CHOSheN MiShPaT (Breastplate of Judgement), 
Wood, copper, 2 saw-horses, 117.5 x 60 x 100 cm
שלחן ערוך  ShULChaN ARUCh, Set Table, (Laid Table), 5x Parts, 2005
MaPaH / TOSaFOT (Tablecloth/ Extra), 
Wood, 2 saw-horses, white cloth material, threads, 74 x 60 x 100 cm